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Is It Safe To Buy And Use New Old Stock 5-Year Old Tyres?

Car Owners' Guides

Is It Safe To Buy And Use New Old Stock 5-Year Old Tyres?

Should you be worried that your tyre shop is trying to sell you new old stock unused 5-year old tyres?

Tyres are one of the most essential components of your car. Without the friction generated from the tyre onto the road surface, it is impossible for your car to move forward or backwards as you would like. 

Tyres Malaysia

But what about new old stock 5-year old tyres? Can we still use them? Are they safe to be used? Should we still be buying them?

It is very important to consider certain factors before changing your car's tyres. While the brand, budget, and type of tyre are some of the more focused considerations made when purchasing a tyre, more and more motorists are starting to pay attention to the tyre's age.

What Are New Old Stock Tyres?

NOS tyres MalaysiaA lot of shops sell new-old-stock (NOS) tyres. These are unused (brand new) tyres that were not sold in the earlier period since leaving the factory. Instead, these tyres were perhaps stored for a number of years (typically more than 5-years), which are then sold for a fraction of what they cost new.

While logic might dictate that 5-year-old tyres will perform considerably less than new ones, it might not necessarily be the case.

Michelin: Tyre Myth Busted - New Old Stock Tyres! 

Michelin tyres Malaysia

According to Michelin, tyres are unlike bananas, as tyres do not have an extremely limited shelf life, meaning tyres do not go bad after 5-years. In fact, according to Michelin, the countdown on the tyre's life starts only from the date of fitment. 

According to Michelin, the reason for this is that when properly stored, especially for new old stock tyres, tyres are only subjected to minor temperature fluctuations of the storage facility, which has negligible to no effect whatsoever on the tyre's performance.

While most of you think this might just be a bunch of hoopla, studies have backed up Michelin's claim.

Testing New Old Stock Tyres

Tyre test for older tyres

Tests conducted by Osaka City University in Saudi Arabia show that tyres that are a year old when used have the same level of ageing as tyres that have been stored for ten years. 

Another test conducted by the Korean Department of Customer Protection showed that a 3-year-old unused tyre yielded no difference in performance compared to a new one. They tested it in a high-speed and stepped speed test where both tyres showed identical wear. Can we safely draw a conclusion that new old stock tyres are thus safe? 

Over in Germany, the German motorist organisation ADAC conducted tests with results revealing that the rolling resistance of newly manufactured tyres and 3-year-old tyres were identical.

Do Not Buy 10-year Old Tyres!

Old used tyres Malaysia

So as you can see, according to Michelin, new old stock tyres or 5-year old tyres don't necessarily mean they are bad tyres. On the contrary, NOS tyres that are a little bit old can give you access to better tyres as they are more affordable. Just be wary, however, check for these tyres to be in good condition, they must have been appropriately stored and not be exposed to the sun.

Just don't go buying 10-year-old or older tyres as manufacturers such as Michelin and Continental say that tyres can last up to 10 years, which is also why they recommend changing your spare tyres that are 10 years old or older. 

Adam Aubrey

Adam Aubrey

Content Producer

Wants to live the simple life, especially when it comes to cars and bikes. That's what tech is for he reckons, to make motoring simpler

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