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‘Lane hogging’ is an offence, fine up to RM2k – JSTP PDRM

Auto News

‘Lane hogging’ is an offence, fine up to RM2k – JSTP PDRM

Director of the Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department Police (JSPT), Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri, cautioned Malaysian drivers that lane hogging is a serious offense, punishable by fines ranging from RM300 to RM2,000.


“They should move to the left lane of the highway to give way to other road users if drivers want to reduce the speed.


“This is to ensure other road users and resume their journeys smoothly and at the set speed limit,” he said in a interview with TV3 Buletin Utama


Furthermore, according to the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), lane hogging is symptomatic of a broader issue: Malaysian road users' lack of awareness and discipline. Distracted driving and the use of phones while driving are also a significant concern, further highlighting the need for increased education and enforcement.


Agency Senior Research Officer Norfaizah Mohammad Khaidir also said that most Malaysians road users did not know that driving slowly in the fast lane is an offence.


“They feel they can be on the middle or right lane as long as they don’t drive over the speed limit.


“However, if we ask users, most of them will mentioned that driving over the speed limit is wrong, but they did now realise that drive slow in the fast lane is an offence,” she added.

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