Fuel Price Update: 9-15 Nov – Petrol Increase Up To 7 Sen, Diesel Up 3 Sen

Berita Kereta

The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives, and Consumerism (KPDNKK) has announced fuel prices for the upcoming week from 9 to 16 November 2017.

Expect long queues outside fuel stations tonight as prices will rise up to 7 sen per litre, marking a fourth successive week of price increase.

That said, the fuel price for the next seven days are as follows:

  • Petrol RON 95 – RM2.31 (up 7 sen from RM2.24)
  • Petrol RON 97 – RM2.60 (up 6 sen from RM2.54)
  • Diesel – RM2.20 (up 3 sen from RM2.17)

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Fuel Price


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