MCO 3.0: KBS Confirms Cycling Is Not Allowed, But How Did We Get Here?

Berita Kereta

KBS has confirmed that cycling is not allowed during this lockdown, but how did we get into this situation in the first place?

The Youth and Sports Ministry (Kementerian Belia dan Sukan) have just confirmed that cycling is not allowed during the current lockdown or MCO 3.0.

They clarified and reiterated that except for jogging and exercise around one's neighbourhood, all sporting and recreational activities are not allowed, including cycling.

They also reminded the public that even though jogging and exercise are allowed, they must be carried out with physical distancing in mind and only between 7 am and 8 pm.

This was conveyed to the public through their Twitter account on June 15, where they shared an official SOP guideline that showed which activities are forbidden. 

They also mentioned that there was no need to wear face masks when carrying out these physical activities and that doing them can help reduce stress as well as maintain physical and mental wellbeing.

While this cycling prohibition during this MCO 3.0 seems unreasonable because it's a similar leisure activity to jogging, there is a good reason behind it.

Pic used for illustration purposes

There have been a few rotten apples that have probably caused this restriction. During the previous conditional movement control order (CMCO) where individual cycling was allowed, it was found that many leisure cyclists disobeyed this SOP and went out cycling in groups with other fellow cyclists. They did this in open sight and were also crossing districts and state lines, which is a breach of the SOP. 

To make things worse, there were also rumours of clusters (we're investigating) related to cyclists during the CMCO period, and this probably tipped over the restriction when officials were deciding whether or not to allow people to cycle during the current lockdown. 

While this is unfair to cyclists who have obeyed SOPs and now find themselves stuck at home instead of cycling freely outside, this is probably the only way to curb those naughty individuals despite studies such as this one showing that collective punishment is ineffective.  

Whatever it may be, what's done is done, and people are now not allowed to cycle, so perhaps this can serve as a good lesson for those who disobeyed the SOPs, as their actions have caused this cycling restriction not only for themselves but friends and family who love to cycle too. 

Yes, we understand that cycling is one of the most social sporting activities there is and best carried out with a group of friends, but we're currently in a national health emergency where we have to all pull together to get out of it or at least bring it under control.  

Besides, cycling alone has some benefits, and it'll probably make you a better cyclist. 'Cycling Solo' as the community calls it allows you to be more aware of your breathing, heart rate, and pace, and you are free to alter them when you see fit, unlike when cycling in a group. By doing this, you become a more efficient cyclist, ready for those friendly bike races when all is back to normal but for now either get a bike trainer or dream of the day when we'll be allowed to cycle once again. 

Kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga

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Cycling MCO 3.0 Kayuh Basikal PKP 3.0 Cycling not allowed during lockdown lockdown SOP


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