No price increase for Perodua vehicles for now

Berita Kereta

Perodua will not be increasing its prices, as long as certain factors are manageable.

The new year brought some bad news for new car buyers as manufacturers like BMW, Toyota and Nissan all announced that some of their cars would increase in price.

Well, it looks like it won't be a definite trend, as Perodua has just announced that they will join Honda Malaysia in declaring that their cars will not be at the end of a price hike.

According to Perodua's President and Chief Executive Officer, Dato’ Sri Zainal Abidin Ahmad, if certain factors remain manageable, they will not be increasing the prices this year.

"For this to come true, we hope material prices and fuel prices remain manageable; at the same time, we also hope that foreign exchange and interest rates would be favourable to industry growth."

"If these factors remain within acceptable levels, Perodua will maintain its vehicle prices," Dato’ Sri Zainal said.

Just like Honda Malaysia, they too are currently concentrating on delivering quality cars, especially for those have booked their cars.

“For now, our priority is to deliver to those who booked their Perodua within the sales tax exemption period as the price for these vehicles will remain as per agreed until 31 March 2023 deadline,” said the Perodua head honcho.

We assume what Dato’ Sri Zainal is saying is that despite the high demand, they will maintain the current prices of their cars and try to make sure that all things go smoothly on the production line so that they can continue to be on schedule in delivering cars to customers.

The Perodua President and Chief Executive Officer also took the time to mention that Perodua did well in 2022 and wishes to thank the government and its customers for the great support.

“We will announce the full list of our targets later in January but I wish to take this opportunity to thank the government for their continued support, our partners for their dedication, Perodua staff for their sacrifice and hard work, and especially to our valued customers for their loyal support,” he said. 

Perodua's production rose by 49.5% to 289,054 units in 2022 when compared with 193,400 units in 2021; while sales saw an increase of 48.2% to 282,019 units against 190,291 vehicles registered in 2021.

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perodua Perodua car prices 2023 Malaysia car prices 2023


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