Planning The Great Escape: Post MCO


If you're like us, you're probably dreaming of being in your gleaming car, driving towards the sunset somewhere, enjoying that exotic location that you've just discovered. It's incredible how things change, because pre lockdown, we dreamt of different things, but now, driving somewhere for a chance of a little adventure is mostly what we think about.

What we once took for granted is now one of the most precious commodities.  If there is anything that we can learn from this horrendous lockdown, is that driving is one of the most pleasurable activities one can do. Even grocery runs are exciting at the moment because you get to DRIVE. 

You are probably even now hatching a plan of what to do and where to go when this whole COVID-19 pandemic blows over. It's high on the brain's agenda, and since flying will not happen in the near future, driving to a destination in Semenanjung Malaysia will be the quickest form of escape. Besides, we get to drive our lovely cars out of Klang Valley, so big win there. 


1. Penarik, Terengganu (Long Drive, 390KM)
If you're after a drive that's more than 4 hours long, Penarik should do the trick. With many options of routes from highways to inner B-roads, you can tailor-make your journey as you wish. Perhaps drive up by using all the smaller roads for that loving feeling and drive back using the straight highway. Whichever routes you choose you'll be happy with this northern location, especially if you're looking for a secluded beachfront accommodation that has a white beach and blue sea. Penarik itself is a small town, so don't expect urban commercial shops. However, the area does have plenty of seafood joints to visit and small local independent grocers. Did we mention that everything there is cheap! And that there is virtually no traffic to get to Penarik! Thank us later.

2. Langkawi (Long Drive+Boat Ride, 413KM)
If you feel up to it, drive to Langkawi instead. Yes, you will need to take a boat to get to the Island, but it will be worth it. The classic mistake that most people do is park their car in mainland Perlis and take a boat to Langkawi. Firstly, the passenger ferries are always crowded; secondly you don't get to enjoy your car in Langkawi. We suggest taking the RORO as the boat is not crowded, and you actually get to enjoy the boat ride via the outside of the ship instead of being locked up inside it like the passenger ferry. Having your own car in Langkawi is such a pleasure. There are so many beautiful places in Langkawi to experience, and you will need your trusty steed to get you around. The roads in Langkawi are nice and quiet too, so the drive on the Island is entirely stress-free.

3. Port Dickson (Short Drive Turn Long, 100km)
Yes, yes, we've all been there before, and there is nothing that exciting to do there, right? Wrong, because it's the journey that counts not the destination. Instead of heading via the Sungai Besi toll where, you will travel straight for 45mins and then enter Port Dickson toll, why not drive to PD via the back roads. Admittedly we did quite recently try this out but on motorbikes. We don't see why car drivers won't enjoy it too. There are many quiet small roads with swooping bends and sharp turns that allow your inner Ken Miles to come alive. Surprisingly, these back roads are well tarred, not what you expect when you think of back roads. Head to Sepang and try to make your way to PD via the back roads from there. Just switch on the option on your WAZE or Google Maps to avoid highways. We also took the back roads to Melaka from PD, and those roads were pretty impressive too. If it doesn't impress you, at least Melaka's Asam Pedas will.

So there you have it, three drives that should scratch that itch a little. For now we can dream and plan. Once the MCO is lifted and the coast is clear expect to see us on the roads! 


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