BMW X6 owner claims Semenyih workshop scrapped his car for parts

Auto News

A BMW X6 owner has claimed that a workshop in Semenyih has scrapped his car and allegedly stole the components.

Recently reported by theSun, Soh Lian Hock sent his BMW X6 (2014 model) to the said workshop located in Semenyih for insurance claim purposes after it caught on fire back in 2021.

It took the insurance company close to a year to finally decide to decline the insurance claim and leaving Soh with an RM240,000 loss. The reason? The cause of the fire couldn't be identified by the insurance company, apparently.

Soh then went on to file an appeal by hiring the Forensic Services Malaysia (FSM) to investigate, but when he went to the workshop, the condition of his beloved BMW X6 was way worse than when it initially arrived.

Soh also claimed that almost all of the car components were removed without consent, including the engine, radiator, battery, doors, exhaust, and more. In other words, the BMW X6 has been properly scrapped-out for parts. 

The worse part? Officials from the FSM couldn't proceed with further investigations regarding the cause of the vehicle fire as the BMW X6 has obviously been tampered with from all the parts being removed. No report, no insurance claim appeal, no justice.

Following a police report made by Soh regarding the allegedly stolen parts, the workshop owner has been taken into questioning prior to a hearing scheduled this month. We sure hope that justice will prevail for all affected parties involved.


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BMW BMW X6 BMW X6 stolen parts BMW X6 insurance claim BMW X6 Semenyih workshop



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