BYD Atto 3 stomps competitors for title of best-selling EV in Thailand in Q1 2023

Auto News

BYD Atto 3 outsells every EV in Thailand, with sales numbers that dwarf every other EV.

The BYD Atto 3 is a small electric car that is making waves around the world. It's gaining popularity thanks mainly to its affordability, but not forgetting of course, its efficiency and practicality.

It recently helped BYD overtake Volkswagen as China's best-selling brand. If we look closer to our region, it's also one of the hottest-selling electric vehicles in ASEAN, even doubling the sales of Teslas in Thailand.

AutolifeThailand.TV recently published an article with the exact number of BYD Atto3 units sold in Thailand for March. While we're not surprised that it's popular, we are a bit shocked that it's selling around 80 per cent more than the Tesla Model Y.

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Even when you combine all the sales figures for all different Tesla Models for that month, the BYD Atto3 still dwarfs them by a mile. Yes, we understand that Teslas are pricey, which makes them premium and inherently less accessible to the masses, but it's still amazing to see how well it has been received.

Interestingly, the sales of electric vehicles in Thailand have gone up by 173 per cent. They nearly had a 60 per cent increase in 2021 and shot up to 160 per cent in 2022 when compared to 2020's sales figures. 

By March 2023, the number of units sold has surpassed the number of electric vehicles sold for the whole of 2022. We're not just talking about by a small margin, as units sold from Jan - March 2023 is 14,777 units, whereas 2022 saw 9,729 units sold for the entire year.

It's safe to say that the BYD Atto3 contributes to this sharp rise in EV sales, as more and more of it gets sold every month than the previous month. It'll be interesting to see the number of EV sales in Malaysia with the breakdown of models. 

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