Ford Malaysia’s New Chatbot Promises A Better Customer Experience

Auto News

Local Ford distributor Sime Darby Auto Connexion (SDAC) has launched its first chatbot service to better engage with its customers. Additionally, Ford's website is now available in multiple languages to offer an improved web browsing experience.

The chatbot, now still in beta, is only available in English and it is able to provide customers with a convenient and conversational interface, enabling customers to start a simple conversation and the chatbot and obtain quick answers to frequently asked questions.

Now, customers can ask the chatbot for information such as “Where is the nearest service centre?”, “What is the number to call for assistance?” or “What is the price of the Ford Ranger XLT?”, and receive an easy-to-understand response.

In addition, the Ford website is now available in BM and Simplified Chinese to complement its existing English website for the convenience of customers who prefer browsing in those languages.

Syed Ahmad Muzri Syed Faiz, Managing Director, Sime Darby Auto Connexion said, “We are proud to bring our first chatbot to life to assist our customers when and where it’s personally convenient to them,  setting the stage for a new customer experience to obtain information about vehicles, services, assistance, and other matters, quickly”.

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