2017 BMW G30 5 Series Launches in Singapore

Auto News

So, our neighbours up north have already launched the BMW G30 5 Series in two variants- the 530i and 520d. As a rather interesting contrast, Singapore has just recently launched the G30 5 Series in their local market as well, but in the 530i and 540i variants. They will not be selling a diesel model there as Singapore is very much against the idea of diesel passenger cars, either through taxation or high pump prices or social stigma- or perhaps a combination of all three.


But we digress. Rather interestingly, Singapore is pushing the Business Athelete concept a lot more than BMW Thailand is, perhaps because it fits in a little better with the rather hectic Singaporean day-to-day life. For a country with a maximum speed limit of 90 km/h and largely urban driving, it makes sense to push the Driver Assistance systems, and so there are steering and lane control assistant systems offered with the car, as well as optional Active Cruise Control and Intelligent Speed Limit Assist.

A quick rundown on the variants: the 530i has a turbocharged 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine with 252 hp and 350 Nm, while the 540i has a turbocharged 3.0-litre 6-cylinder engine with 340 hp and 450 Nm. The 530i goes for SGD 280,800 while the 540i goes for SGD 355,800 (although these prices may be pre-COE). That's a hefty price to pay for a 5 Series, but when BMW is one of the most popular brands on the island state of Singapore, this isn't as large of a problem as it seems. 

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