BMW Malaysia Teases 8 Series Coupe, But Why?

Auto News

Just this morning, BMW Malaysia posted a teaser of a silhouette that pretty much looks like the up-and-coming 8 Series Coupe. Now, this is a car that hasn't even been launched globally and is still undergoing testing, and from our experience it takes roughly half a year before a global launch for a product translates into a local launch for us. So what does it mean?

For now, all we have to go on is a date (22nd of February) and a place (Kuala Lumpur City Centre). What BMW Malaysia has cryptically mentioned is that they plan to share their vision of luxury in the city of Kuala Lumpur, and a bunch of other fluffy press-sounding words. Regardless, it would be interesting to see what they have in store for us. 

The 8 Series will succeed the 6 Series in the BMW lineup, not quite being a revival of the classic 8 Series namesake but vital to the repositioning of the 6 Series as a sports-car fighting machine. Word is that the new 6 Series takes aim at the Mercedes-AMG GT, but we have very little information on that development for now.

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