Thanks To The SST Waiver Extension, The Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8V Is Now RM5k Cheaper!

Auto News

Good news, the Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8V is now almost RM5k cheaper, coming in at RM129,266 after the extension of the SST discount. 

For those of you who are interested in purchasing the Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8V but can't wait for the CKD version to arrive (due to arrive late this year), this bit of news should be of some interest to you. 

UMW Toyota Motor has just updated the price of their Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8V, and to much surprise, it is now cheaper by RM4,734 coming in at RM129,266.

When the Toyota Corolla Cross was unveiled and launched in March this year, the stipulated price for the top-spec 1.8V was RM134k, while the base 1.8G variant was priced at RM124k. 

The base variant was priced with SST exemption while the 1.8V was not, and the reason for it was because the 1.8V would only arrive on our shores after the SST exemption period, which was supposed to end this June 30.

The recent extension of the SST waiver period, which will end on December 31, 2021 has changed the price of the 1.8V as it now qualifies for the SST exemption.   

Since the Corolla Cross is a CBU import from Thailand, the much in demand SUV receives the 50% SST waiver, while the soon to arrive CKD Corolla Cross will receive a 100% SST exemption. 

The CKD Corolla Cross will be made in UMW's plant in Bukit Raja plant and will be the first TNGA-based model to be assembled in Malaysia. Let's hope the CKD models arrive by the end of this year and not be delayed and pushed to next year. But then again, maybe the SST exemption will get another extension, who knows?!

For those who do not know much about the Toyota Corolla Cross, our colleague who tested it earlier this year said that it is a fun little thing to chuck around. Even at slower speeds, the pliancy of the springs and dampers coupled with the inherent rigidity of the TNGA platform delivers a drive that’s hard to get too upset with.

You can either read more about what he had to say regarding the Toyota Corolla Cross here, or watch it in splendid HD down below. 


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Toyota Malaysia UMW Toyota Motor Toyota Corolla Cross Malaysia Toyota Corolla Cross. 1.8G 1.8V



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