3.8 Million Malaysian Cars Still Driving With Expired Road Tax


If the matter had slipped your mind over the course of the majority of 2021, it might be a good time to verify if your car(s) have had their road tax renewed as a total of 3.78 million vehicles have yet to do so as of November 16th, according to the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

Aedy Fadly Ramli, deputy director-general of planning and operations, revealed the figure to Bernama, wishing to remind vehicle owners of the end-of-year deadline while warning of the likelihood of overwhelmed JPJ counters (which are also opened on weekends) should Malaysians wait until the 11th hour.

At a recent integrated traffic operation at the Sungai Besi toll plaza, he told reporters: “They can go to any JPJ branch and the opening hours are listed on the JPJ website,” adding that road tax renewals can also be done online.

“For now they still have a chance to renew their road tax but after December 31st there will be no more warning or extension of the grace period,” commenting that legal action will be taken against owners/drivers found to be in flouting the law.

Out of the 3,210 vehicles checked during the traffic operation, Fadly said 596 of them were found in violation of various offences, with notices issued under Section 115 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987, requiring owners to present themselves at a JPJ office.

Currently, a government lax period is in effect, allowing vehicles to legally drive on roads despite having an expired road tax. This will end on December 31st, 2021. However, to protect drivers and other road users, every vehicle is required to have a valid and ongoing insurance policy regardless.

This measure was announced in September by Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong to ease the burden of Malaysians as normal life in the country was only beginning to resume after being under Movement Control Order for most of the year.


JPJ Road Tax Malaysia Road Transport Department MyEG INSURANCE Renewal Online

