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About Aswan

Places more value in how fun a car is to drive than outright performance or luxury. He laments the direction that automotive development is headed in, but grudgingly accepts the logic behind it. Can be commonly found trying to fix yet another problem on his rusty project car.
Not As Protectionist As You Think

Not As Protectionist As You Think

It seems that whenever we write about a local-brand car being a favourable option, many Malaysians will immediately comment on our country's taxation ...
If You Had To: Weather Storm Ciara

If You Had To: Weather Storm Ciara

It seems like our global weather patterns are being thrown into chaos, what with wildfires and floods in Australia just a couple of weeks ago, we now ...
Renault Malaysia Launches E-Store

Renault Malaysia Launches E-Store

Auto News
It must be a very confusing time for sales and marketing staff who grew up in the golden age of bricks and mortar retail. These days quite nearly ...
If You Had To: Drive Through Wuhan

If You Had To: Drive Through Wuhan

These last few days and weeks, there has been one topic that has consistently popped up in conversation. Yes, it’s the 2019-nCoV, better known as the ...