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Gen Z want to buy recond Honda Civic FL1 with basic salary RM1.7k, car dealer fumes

Auto News

Gen Z want to buy recond Honda Civic FL1 with basic salary RM1.7k, car dealer fumes

A car dealer burst into anger as he claimed an individual with a basic salary of RM1700 eager to purchase recond Honda Civic FL1 with a selling price of RM163,000


Posted his statement on Facebook today, Wan Faris mentioned that the individual who is coming from generation Z -likely between age 12 to 27 – also requested for RM63,000 discount.


“Not interested to exposed this kind of matter, but today I lost anger with this gen Z. We run any ads they will only give negative comment.


“We ignore not because of being rude but it’s for their own good. As advice for gen Z. If you can’t afford keep work hard. Manage your financial well,” he said on his own personal Facebook statement.


Wan Faris also attached a screenshot of his conversation with the individual. It can be seen that the individual also mentioned his basic salary and the offer of a discount price.



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