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Anwar: Traffic jams take a major toll on productivity of Malaysians

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Anwar: Traffic jams take a major toll on productivity of Malaysians

Malaysia's Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, has stated what we all have been saying for how many years - traffic jams suck and affects productivity.

When productivity is affected, losses are reported and when money is involved, it must be resolved. We've all lost count of how many hours we've spent getting stuck in traffic during those awful rush hours to and from the office.

traffic jam malaysia cabinet committee 2023*Image credit: The Star

For this very reason, a new Cabinet committee has been formed to tackle two very important aspects - traffic congestion and public transportation matters.

According to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, "Problems of public transportation and traffic congestion will affect productivity (and) the country because of the hours wasted by employees getting to work."

This newly-formed Cabinet committee will be chaired by our Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Together with other Cabinet ministers, they will look into ways of resolving traffic congestion issues as well as other pertaining matters in relation to public transportation.


Sep Irran Halid

Sep Irran Halid

Content Producer

Sep is a firm believer in the saying "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" rather than "When in doubt, throttle it out". Drive safely, ride defensively, and most importantly, don't get hangry.

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