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JPJ detected a lot more Rohingya people driving in Kelantan

Auto News

JPJ detected a lot more Rohingya people driving in Kelantan

The Road Transport Department of Malaysia (JPJ) filed issued over 340 summonses to immigrants and foreigners for driving vehicles belonging to locals in Kelantan, particularly the Rohingya people.

A recent post by Harian Metro reported that the numbers have indeed increased in the past year where immigrants and foreigners in the state were caught driving rented cars or used cars purchased from locals and driving them without any valid licences.

Around 30 vehicles were confiscated in 2022

jpj roadblock kelantan kota bharu foreigners rohingya

The report also stated that within the rising numbers of immigrants operating vehicles (particularly around Kota Bharu), the majority of them were of the Rohingya people. This has resulted in over 30 cars being confiscated due to a number of traffic violations.

The Kelantan JPJ director also mentioned that apart from issuing summonses to the immigrants without valid driving licences, additional actions were also taken against their employers who were found guilty of allowing their vehicles to be used as well as having to physically appear in court for further actions.

No driving allowed for illegal immigrants

jpj roadblock kelantan kota bharu foreigners rohingya*Image credit: Astro Awani

The Road Transport Department of Malaysia also reminded that locals are not allowed to give illegal immigrants (PATI) any access or permission to operate their vehicles to avoid any issues if or when there's any traffic violation or incident.

In total, Kelantan recorded around RM6.1 million in compound collections last year which involved over 29,000 compounds issued in 2022.

Sep Irran Halid

Sep Irran Halid

Content Producer

Sep is a firm believer in the saying "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" rather than "When in doubt, throttle it out". Drive safely, ride defensively, and most importantly, don't get hangry.

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