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Proton Targets Better After-sales Service Through Internal Competition

Auto News

Proton Targets Better After-sales Service Through Internal Competition

Proton has started a nationwide internal after-sales service competition that not only aims to sharpen the technician's skills but also as a networking platform for all after sales personnel around the country to exchange ideas and knowledge relating to their area of expertise.

The competition, with the qualifying rounds already started in July and finals planned for September, will honour six winners with cash prizes and a trip to Shanghai, China where they will visit Geely headquarters and the Geely Research Centre.

Director of After-sales Management Proton, Encik Azharuddin Abdullah said, “Our technicians and mechanics have an opportunity to showcase their skills and quality of work in handling customers’ cars. They may come from different regions to compete against one another, however, we also hope the competition brings them together to form their own peer support group.”

At the qualifying stages, participants were tested on their theoretical and practical abilities, where they were given an engine overhaul task that involves dismantling and re-assembling a Proton VVT engine within a three-hour time limit. Judges measured participants speed, accuracy, and troubleshooting competencies throughout the activity.

“Exceptional after-sales service is the key to retain our existing customers as well as attracting new ones. When we provide good quality services to them, we are able to increase customer loyalty and benefit from them spreading the news via word-of-mouth. Technicians or mechanics play an important role in ensuring this happens,” Azharuddin added. 

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