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MIROS: 16 Road Fatalities Every Day During Raya Month

Auto News

MIROS: 16 Road Fatalities Every Day During Raya Month

According to data gathered by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), an average of 16 people died every day during the 2017’s month of Ramadan and Syawal (Hari Raya month).

This is a shockingly high number and part of the reason is due to low usage of seat belts, especially among rear passengers, as well as child seats.

In conjunction with the upcoming Hari Raya festive season, Volvo Car Malaysia is working closely with MIROS (Malaysian Institute of Road Safety) and JKJR (Road Safety Department) to raise public awareness on the importance of using three-point safety belts – itself an invention by Volvo back in 1969, but its patent was given free to all car makers.

The #SafeDrive campaign by Volvo Car Malaysia also aims to dispel certain misconceptions like having airbags alone is sufficient.

“All automotive safety technologies rely on the three-point safety belt as a reference point. Without the safety belt, any protective or preventive features in a car could become ineffective. The misconception that the public have is that airbags, crash structures, and active safety systems alone are enough to protect in-car occupants; this is of course, inaccurate,” said Mr Nalin Jain, Managing Director of Volvo Car Malaysia.

He also added, “Volvo is continually introducing many safety innovations, but it is high time that we get back to the basics – we will work closely with the Road Safety Department (JPJ) and the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) to raise public awareness on the importance of using the three-point seat belt. I believe the increased use of safety belt by all car occupants, will help to reduce the number of road fatalities and serious injuries in the country.”

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