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4,800 Vehicles Turn Back As PDRM Tightens Roadblocks For Hari Raya Haji

Auto News

4,800 Vehicles Turn Back As PDRM Tightens Roadblocks For Hari Raya Haji

Further proof that EMCO and full lockdowns don't work well during festive periods - 4800 vehicles turned back involving masses of citizens heading back to their hometowns for Hari Raya Aidiladha, or Hari Raya Korban, or just Raya Haji.

The national public holiday is another religious event that Muslims in Malaysia will not be able to travel to celebrate, instead being urged to spend that time at home without the risk of spreading or contracting the COVID-19 virus.

EMCO - Selangor

However, all Malaysians might be tempted due to the holiday falling on a Tuesday, one Monday shy of a nice four day weekend. According to Bernama, last Friday PDRM noted the highest number of vehicles ordered to turn back at various roadblocks since the implementation of the National Recovery Plan (NRP).

Across the country, authorities encountered 4,839 vehicles that did not have proper permission to proceed beyond the roadblock. In relation to this, the Inspector-General of Police, announced that documents approved by MITI (International Trade and Industry Ministry) will not be accepted as a travel/movement permit between July 18th to 21st.

PDRM - Roadblock

Accordingly, PDRM officers have been instructed to increase enforcement across all states with stern action to be taken against any individual found in violation.

This was iterated by newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Yaakob on Sunday during a statement, saying: “Police will take stern action against any individual who tries to cross states to return to their hometowns and disobey their instructions.”

DPM - Ismail Yaakob

“The interstate travel ban and the ban on visiting and celebrating festivals during the pandemic does not mean that we do not love our parents and families, who are in their hometowns. On the contrary, it is a more responsible choice in order to protect our loved ones,” he said.

Over the weekend, police inspected around 382,000 vehicles on Saturday alone while ramping up their efforts to curb any attempt to slip across borders, be that between states or districts. The DPM added that the rise in cases during the Aidilfitri celebrations back in May should be a lesson to Malaysians to not take the matter of breaching SOPs lightly.

That said, the IGP also clarified that while the ban was still in full effect, exceptions can still be made for emergency matters with permission granted by the police. Health-related instances also apply, such as travel for vaccination appointments.

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Jim Kem

Jim Kem

Content Producer

There's just something about cars. It's a conveyance, it's a liability, it's a tool; but it can also be a source of joy, pride, inspiration and passion. It's much like clothes versus fashion. And like the latter, the pursuit of perfection never ends.

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